
911 Dispatch
911 Dispatch EMS System Public Safety Information Power Point Presentations


[Under Construction]

When To Call 911
Monthly Call Report
Dispatcher Prayer






Steve 2.jpg (70418 bytes)

Director-Steve McDade

Sheila.jpg (71664 bytes)

Coordinator-Sheila  Wiles     

Pam.jpg (71794 bytes)

Data Base-Pamela Bensel

Debbie.jpg (33624 bytes)

Deputy Director-Debbie Temple

Sharmel 4.jpg (83782 bytes)

Cto/Supervisor Sharmel Miller

Melissa.jpg (84216 bytes)

CTO/Supervisor Melissa Smith

Sandy.jpg (82052 bytes)

CTO/Supervisor Sandy Purdy

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CTO/Supervisor Dockery Smith

Hannah.jpg (78232 bytes)

Dispatcher 2 Hannah Chasteen

Delane.jpg (82948 bytes)

Dispatcher 2

       Delane New       

Myra.jpg (77748 bytes)

Dispatcher 1 

Myra Fair

Kimberly.jpg (78694 bytes)

Dispatcher 1 Kimberly Christophe

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Part Time Courtney Caldwell


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Abbeville County has 8 full time telecommunicator positions and 5 part time. 4 of the full time positions are CTO (Communication Training Officers) / Supervisors.  Other levels will be dispatcher 2 and dispatcher 1.


Home ] When To Call 911 ] Monthly Call Report ] Training ] Dispatcher Prayer ]

Send mail to shamiller@WCTel.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: March 19, 2002